
これはお米を糀菌で発酵させて作られていて、発酵の過程で、ビタミンB1B2B6、アミノ酸などたくさんの栄養素が生まれます。特に、必須アミノ酸の含有量が高くて、点滴に匹敵するほどだといわれていますし、食欲のない時期でもこれさえあれば大丈夫♪ うちの冷蔵庫にはいつも入っています。昨日も生姜をたくさん入れて作りましたよ♪ クーラーで冷えた体を芯から温めてくれるので冷え症の方にもおすすめです。是非トライしてみてくださいね。


さて、今日は体と心に「優しくて力持ち!」の冷やし甘酒をご紹介しましたが、下記をごらんください↓スパイスのきいたエジプトのメニューをご紹介させて頂きます。エジプト料理は日本人のお口にとても合うのです。スイーツはしっかり甘いのですが、これもなぜかはまっちゃいます。下のメニュー、 こちらはまだ日本語に訳してないのですが、このブログを見て頂いている方に一番最初にお知らせさせてください。



是非、興味ございますメニューを お知らせしてください。人気のあるものから、取り入れてみます。皆さんからのご意見も参考にさせて頂きたいですので、ご連絡をお待ちしていますね。 






1)                  Appetizers (Starters)

-  Garlic Bread

                (French bread, butter and garlic)

-  Pickle Cucumber

                (Cucumber, salt, vinegar and garlic)

-  Mixed Pickles

                (Carrot, green pepper, onion, cucumber, salt, vinegar and garlic)

-  Pickle Eggplant

                (Boiled eggplant, salt, green pepper and garlic)


2)                  Salads

-  Green Salad (Baladi)

                (Tomato, cucumber, carrot, green pepper, lettuce, salt, vinegar, oil and lemon)

-  Tahini Salad

                (Tahini sauce, water, vinegar, salt, sugar, cumin, black pepper and oil)

-  Eggplant Salad (Baba ghanouj)

                (Eggplant, tahini sauce, salt, garlic and cumin)

-  Yogurt Salad

                (Yogurt, salt, garlic and Mint)

-  Potato Salad

                (Potato, salt, cumin, oil, garlic, vinegar and coriander)

-  Coleslaw Salad

                (Lettuce, carrot, mayonnaise, sugar, salt, yogurt and vinegar)

-  Humous Salad

                (Humous, tahini sauce, cumin, salt, water and oil)


3)     Soups

-       Chicken Soup

(Chicken, water, onion, salt, black pepper, cardamom and butter)

-       Molokhia Soup

(Chicken soup, molokhia, garlic and butter)

-       Lesan Asfour Soup

(Chicken soup, lesan asfour macaroni, butter)


-       Meat Soup

(Beef, water, onion, salt, black pepper, and butter)

-       Vegetable Soup

(Meat/chicken soup, potato, green peas, carrot, onion, salt and black pepper)

-       Yellow Lentil Soup

(Yellow Lentil, onion, garlic, cumin, salt and black pepper)

-       Brown Lentil Soup

(Brown Lentil, onion, butter, salt and black pepper)

-       Seafood Soup

(Fish, shrimp, crab, squid, mussel, onion, cumin and salt)    


4)     Rice

-       Plain Rice

(Rice, water, butter and salt)

-       Brown Onion Rice

(Rice, water, oil, onion, cumin and salt)

-       Vermicelli Rice

(Rice, water, pasta, butter and salt)

-       Tajin Rice (Moamir)

(Rice, milk, water, salt, butter)

-       Yellow Rice

(Rice, water, curry butter and salt)

-       Shrimp Rice

(Rice, water, shrimp, onion, cumin, garlic, oil and salt)


5)     Main Dishes

-       Koshary

          (Rice, pasta, vermicelli pasta, brown lentil, fried onion, tomato and dakaa sauces)

-       Bashamil Pasta

          (Pasta, minced beef and bashamil sauce)

-       Tajin Beef with Lesan Asfour

          (Beef, lesan asfour macaroni, tomato paste, onion, butter, salt and black pepper)

-       Tajin Beef with Mixed Vegetables

          (Beef, potato, peas, carrot, onion, tomato paste, butter, salt and black pepper)

-       Tajin Mesakaa

          (Fried Eggplant, minced beef, tomato paste, garlic, vinegar, salt and black pepper)

-       Tajin Rice Kofta

(Minced beef, rice, onion, parsley, dill, tomato paste, garlic, butter, salt, black pepper)

-       Tajin Seafood

          (Fish, shrimp, mussel, crab, squid, onion, garlic tomato paste, cumin and salt)

-       Grilled Chicken

          (Chicken, green pepper, onion, tomato, garlic, salt, lemon juice and black pepper)

-       Fried Salmon

          (Salmon fish, cumin, garlic, flour and salt)

-       Fried Shrimp

          (Shrimp, cumin, garlic, flour and salt)

-       Mixed Grilled

          (Grilled chicken, kabab, kofta and shish tawook)

-       Mixed Fried

          (Fried chicken, chicken kofta, fried salmon and shrimp)


6)     Bread and pastries

-       Egyptian Bread

(Flour, yogurt, salt, sugar, yeast and water)

-       Pastry with Minced Beef

(Flour, salt, sugar, yeast, yogurt, water, minced beef, onion, egg, black pepper)

-       Pastry with Cheddar Cheese

(Flour, salt, sugar, yeast, yogurt, water, cheddar cheese, egg and black pepper)

-       Pastry with White (Feta) Cheese

(Flour, salt, sugar, yeast, yogurt, water, feta cheese, egg and black pepper)

-       Pastry with Thyme

(Flour, salt, sugar, yeast, yogurt, water, dry thyme, sesame, egg, black pepper)


7)     Sandwiches

-       Tameyia

(Tameyia, tahini sauce and green salad)

-       Beans with Tahini

(Beans, tahini, oil, salt, cumin and lemon juice)

-       Fried Egg

(Egg, butter, salt and black pepper)

-       Fried Egg with Corned Beef

(Egg, corned beef, butter, salt and black pepper)

-       Sausage Sharki

(Sausage/hot dog, green pepper, onion, tomato, butter, ketchup, salt, black pepper, kapsa spicy and curry powder)

-       Kofta

(Minced beef, onion, butter, salt, black pepper, spicy, tahini and green salad)

-       Alexandria Liver

(Liver, green pepper, butter, garlic, salt and black pepper)

-       Fire Hot Dog

(Sausage/hot dog, green pepper, hot red chili, onion, tomato, chili sauce, butter, ketchup, salt, black pepper, kapsa spicy and curry powder)

-       Chicken Shawarma

(Chicken, onion, green pepper, vinegar, salt and black pepper)

-       Slice Fried Chicken

(chicken, onion, salt, black pepper, flour, egg and zwieback)


8)     Drinks

-       Hot




Tea with mint


Turkish coffee (Sadaa, Mazboot and Zyada)



-       Cold







9)     Desserts

-       Mehalabia

(Milk, starch, sugar, vanilla, coconut, raisin and nuts)

-       Rice with Milk

(Rice, milk, starch, sugar, vanilla, coconut, raisin and nuts)

-       Fakhfakhina

(Jelly, fruits and whipping cream)

-       Amar Eldin (Apricot) Mehalabia

(Amar eldin, water, sugar, starch, coconut, raisin and nuts)

-       Egyptian cake

(Flour, sugar, egg, vanilla, orange juice, butter, oil, baking powder)

-       Dates with milk

(Dried dates, full cream milk, vanilla and coconuts)

-       Khoshaf

(Dried dates, apricot, Fig, plum, water, coconut, raisin and nuts)








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  • AnauqPeq

    作り方が分かれば嬉しいですね。こちれでトライしてみたいです。ただ私は最近菜食主義ですので、できれば野菜系で。例えば メインディッシュにあるKoshary、これは貧しい人が幸せになれる食べ物らしく、豆ですね。

  • http://mentalbiyo.com ジャスミン

    Anauqpeqさんこんにちは! ミャンマーは今とても注目されている国ですね。私も行ってみたい! Kosharyはとても有名はエジプト料理です。エジプシャンクッキングのメニューは、簡単なものから、レシピをUPさせて頂けるようにいたしますね。